Itunes Podcasts PreviewThis one unfairly assumes you have a computer, ipod, or some device with music-playing capability. Most people already know about this, but I don't think enough people utitlize what is offered. Podcasts are recorded radioshows that are freely available on Itunes or on the particular publishers website. Not only are comedy shows, typical radio shows, sermons and audiobooks available. You can also take classes from Stanford, Harvard, Yale and other colleges for free. Most of these are just lectures, but some places offer video podcasts which is basically the same as being in class. If you like learning new things but don't want to pay for it, next to reading articles, this is the best way of getting credible information from highly-regarded sources.
Good Podcasts:
Wall Street Journal This Morning - daily news
Zencast - Buddhist sermons
NPR Economy - every 3 days economy news
NPR Technology - weekly tech news
How Stuff Works Stuff you should know - random topic research
How Stuff Works Tech Stuff - weekly tech news
Radiolab - random topic research / lectures
Woodland Hills Church - St Paul MN church sermons
TIME Financial - Weekly finance
Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders - Stanford Entrepreneurial class
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