Kubb is a Swedish game easily made out of wood blocks. The link above will show the rules, however my friends and I made our own version of the game which I like better.
Each player or team sets up 5 4x4 blocks of wood upright in a line about 16 yards from each other. Just outside of these lines, designate a "playing area" with your shoes or something. In the center of the playing field you place one 4x4 block called the "King." Think of the king like the 8 ball in pool. If you knock it over any time throughout the game you lose, however you must knock it down in the end to win. To start the game, you take turns throwing 6 2x2 blocks of wood trying to knock over the other team's 4x4 blocks from behind your line of blocks. When you knock one down, they throw that block back on your half of the 16 yards and that block is set upright again. The next round, if the other team doesn't knock that newly set up block, you can now step up to where it landed and throw from there. Therefore the other team has a large incentive to knock these ones down. Once the block is knocked down a second time, it is out of the game. The game ends when one team knocks down all of the other teams blocks then knocks down the king in the middle.
Some FAQ:
-You can't throw the blocks side-arm like a helicopter
-You can knock down the 4x4 blocks when you throw back a 4x4 block the other team knocked down
-If a 4x4 block is thrown back out of play, the other team may place it anywhere, but no closer than 2 ft from the king.
Price ~$5 each (for the wood)
Location: Outdoors
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