
Simply things to do for less than $8 per person. Feel free to add your own by clicking the link to the right or commenting on the posts.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Knee Hockey Tourney!

Grab the Guys, Grab the Girls and tear a part one room in the house to make a fantastic Knee hockey rink. Build two nets out of whatever you can get your hands ON! If you have to, put marker on the wall go for it because it will be worth it! Play ONE on ONE or TWO on Two.... It doesn't matter, you'll love it and get a great work out.

General Rules:

Play up to 5, first to 5 wins the game. You can play series(best of 3,5,7, etc...) or straight up win and move on, loser take a seat in the crowd. It all depends on the time frame you're looking to fill! Draw up a bracket and draw names out to make the seedings. Give the Champion the right to something, possibly a free meal or something exciting?

Materials needed:
-ball of some sort
-2-4 mini sticks
-make two nets out of whatever you can find.(blankets, boxes, tape, etc... BE CREATIVE)

It's really quite simple and you can use your imagination to spice up the game.

Just make sure you stay on YOUR KNEES!

Let's Play Hockey
Cheap and fun things to do in Minneapolis/St.Paul