Price: $0
Location: Coffee shop (preferred)
The key to asking out a random person is finding someone who is somewhat open-minded and will try new things. Here's the idea....Throw a party with some of your buddies or set this up when you are going to a party. Make a note / letter that says something like (Party at 1XXX West XXXX St, Bring ANYONE you want. We are thinking like 100 people or so. I will be on Peter's cell (555-XXX-XXXX...etc.) Go into a Coffee shop where you're likely to find someone a little more open-minded. If you are a guy, ask a girl and say "have you seen a guys, about 6' tall, really good looking, name is John etc.? Well I am supposed to meet him here, but I have to run and I don't have my phone on me. He will be here soon, can you give him this? After you give it to her (him) strike up menial conversation for a minute, and hopefully they will read the card and you can invite them to the party casually.
Cheap and fun things to do in Minneapolis and St Paul