Price: $0
This is a common game that you have probably heard of. Basically it is a game of lying. You need about 6-12 people. Everyone gets a card that only they see. One person will get an Ace, one will get a King and one will get a Queen. The rest get a different number (any number). The Ace acts as the Killer, the King is the Cop and the Queen is the Medic. Everyone else is a simple townsman. One person runs the game and does not receive a card. It is possible to have 2 Killer and 2 Cops, but only if you have 10+ people.
The game starts by everyone putting their head down except the person running the game "person without a card"(Master).
The master then says, "killer, put up your head and point to the person you want to kill." Then the killer does so, and then puts his/her head back down.
Then the master says, "Medic, put your head up and point to the person you want to protect this round." The Medic does so and then puts his/her head back down.
Then the master says, "Cop, put your head up and point to the person you want to accuse." The cop points to someone and the master then nods whether or not the pointed at person is the killer." The cop then puts his/her head back down.
The master then says, everyone put your heads back up. The master then says 1 of 2 things...
Situation 1 - "There was a murder last night...John (the person pointed at by the killer when everyone's heads were down) was killed" - then John is out of the game
Situation 2 - "There was an attempted murder last night" (the person killed by the killer was also protected by the medic). This gives more information out, as the medic now knows who is NOT the killer.
After one of these situations is stated by the Master, everyone as a group decides to put one person do death (trying to find the killer). Once the group decides, the game continues with the second round. During the trial debate for who to kill off, the cop tries to subtly convey the information they have gained from the last round to the rest of the group without being dubbed as the cop. That is of course, because the killer will likely kill them the next round if he/she figures out they are the cop.
The game ends when the killer is killed off by the group, or when the killer has killed everyone else off.
The game will be boring unless the killer plays well. Its also a good drinking game if you decide to have everyone drink when someone is killed off (3 drinks every time someone is killed if you are already out of the game)
Cheap and fun things to do around Minneapolis/St.Paul