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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sports Betting

Pick any sporting event, preferebly something that has a decent amount of scoring. The game won't work for sports like soccer. You may have heard of people doing this for the superbowl, but it gets pretty fun on just a boring night. You make a table 10x10 with numbers 1-10 listed as the column lables and row labels. You then fill in each square randomly with everyone's initials who is with you, filling all squares eventually. There is a winner every time the game goes to commercial or every X number of minutes. At each of these "checkpoints" you find the score on the table by looking at the home team's combined digits (score of 5 = 5, score of 27 = 9) as the row indicator and the away team's comibined digits as the column indicator. You determine who wins by finding the corresponding cell and that person gets a point.

I prefer having punishments ready for whoever doesn't win each "checkpoint." Again, like any poormansweekend, your game is only as good as your punishments.

Cheap and fun things to do around Minneapolis/St.Paul