
Simply things to do for less than $8 per person. Feel free to add your own by clicking the link to the right or commenting on the posts.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Super Scavenger Hunt

Hey, we've all participated in our fair share of Scavenger Hunts when we were younger so it's safe to say this one shouldn't be too tricky to explain. however, scavenger hunts don't have to be square and boring. If you want to spice up a scavenger hunt try using digital cameras or camera phones to add a lasting memory to a great adventure. To max out the fun level of this HUNT you'll want to be sure to have a healthy amount of people. Probably enough to have team of at least 2 people and at least 3 teams, plus at least one person that will come up with the scavenger hunt list.
Its important for the scavenger hunt list to be kept secret to all those who will be hunting to ensure a great journey. These hunters should be flying by the seat of their pants with spontaneity. Come up with different ideas that will have the Hunters slightly embarrassed by the end of the game. The camera is the key tool during the game and will provide the proof of each item or task being done. Feel free to have some tasks on the list that require judgments, such as "the best picture with a funny person", or "being part of a picture where a random couple is kissing". You'll be surprised what people will do if they can help out a scavenger hunt. Of course in a typical scavenger hunt each listed task/item is worth one point. Try giving certain tasks higher point values to help promote the better items. If you're willing to organize this hunt, make sure to offer a free dinner to the winning team or give them some sort of prize. It's more than worth it once you see the pictures and these memories will last for a life time, or until someone gets rid of the pictures.
The last thing is to be strict on your rules and put a time limit on the game so it doesn't take forever.

sample list:
-specific signs or buildings
-friends at work or friends anywhere in general
-old people
-funny looking people
-nude people
-drunk people
-traffic cones
-equipment or devices

Another variation of the game is taking a picture of items for the each letter of the alphabet??? Try them out and be creative!!

Cheap and fun things to do around Minneapolis/St.Paul